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However, this can become a challenge. How will you transmit the data in such a far-flung place? Wi-Fi could work, but would require significant upfront investment in infrastructure such as fiber lines, routers and access points. Unlicensed spectrum options such as LoRa or LPWAN could face the same challenges. You might try local LTE cellular servicebut it probably wouldn’t be up to the task of handling such significant amounts of data in a remote area. The paper mill — with tons of metal framing and machinery that attenuate or block cell signals — is also a poor candidate for a local cell network.

Not too long ago, this paper mill would simply have had to do without IoT. But there might be a new option for previously unconnected areas and industries with the help of 5G private networks.

What’s a private 5G network?


“明天5G将推动您的关键业务,” Vodafone IoT首席技术官Jorge Bento说。



低潜伏期。5G网络现在提供少于20毫秒的延迟,这对于增强现实or virtual reality applications. In terms of ultra-low latency applications such as remote surgery or navigating robots within a factory, 5G networks offer less than 5 millisecond latency. To put this into perspective, the average human reaction time is about 250 milliseconds. This means that your 5G network can respond more than 50 times faster than a human, and it never requires a break.

High reliability.缺乏停机时间是5G的另一个主要优势。随着可靠性接近99.9999%的正常工作,现在5G可以成为甚至有线用例的可行替代品。


内置安全性。Security is only as strong as its weakest link, and an advantage of 5G private networks is beingable to control securityall the way down to the silicon. Top-end encryption or data controls might do little to protect sensitive data if they’re run on vulnerable hardware; just think about all those WiFi routes with guest as the default password. For use cases that handle sensitive data, reliance on security settings solely at the application layer might not cut it.私人5G可以更好地控制安全性不仅在应用程序层,还通过网络,云或其他服务提供商一直到硬件级别,以保持业务速度并保护敏感数据。




Factory robotics.机器人实施不断增长,机器人需要大量有关其环境的数据,以保持任务并保持与人类同事的安全距离。用于传输此物联网数据的Wi-Fi通常在密集的工厂环境中具有阴影或死点,而其他无线技术无法满足带宽或行驶机器人继续移动所需的延迟要求。与Wi-Fi相比,较少的死点和比4G或LTE更好的精度,5G可以在精确的10厘米内支持精确的机器人导航和定位。



How can you get started with a private 5G network? First, evaluate your need: not every use case requires 5G. There are many different communication options out there, and it might not be worth paying for the high performance 5G provides unless you really need it. Next,找到可靠的合作伙伴.

“It’s not about one or two partners; find an ecosystem of players to come together. And don’t start at the tower, go all the way to the silicon level to make sure you have the right solution for you,” said Jeff Miles, VP of Business Development Secure IoT and Cloud at NXP Semiconductor.

Finally, never stop exploring. 5G might open up new opportunities; but first you need to find them!

All IoT Agenda network contributors are responsible for the content and accuracy of their posts. Opinions are of the writers and do not necessarily convey the thoughts of IoT Agenda.
