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在物联网的惊人世界中,时代发生了变化。曾经是一个新的和引人入胜的想法,迅速发展到各地的消费者的心中。从Fitbit和Pet Trackers等可穿戴设备到智能奶牛和智能农业,物联网现在正在天空。

Flying IoT is essentially drones fully equipped with network connectivity capabilities. These devices mark a new frontier for smart devices — one that comes with a host of challenges. One key challenge for flying IoT is security. The security vulnerabilities go far beyond a consumer’s smart device unknowingly being used in a botnet分布式拒绝服务(DDoS) attack.

那是因为无人机可以用多种方式用于邪恶目的。例如,黑客可能会拦截被无人机和基站之间传输的数据。或者,黑客可以使用无人机对智能设备进行物理控制,将其用作公司网络的后门。如果该主张似乎不太可能,请考虑如何在2016年的以色列魏兹曼科学学院和加拿大达尔豪西大学的研究人员did just that




尽管有安全挑战,但预计无人机to play an increasingly important rolein delivering packages to customer’s doorsteps, tracking criminals, and rapidly delivering emergency supplies such as medications and vaccines. To enable optimal operation of these applications, drone security must be assured. This means companies must address security issues head on rather than treating them as an afterthought.

According to the Open Web Application Security Project, the top ten任何物联网设备中的漏洞,包括无人机,是:

  • Weak, guessable or hardcoded passwords
  • Vulnerable network services
  • 未受保护的生态系统接口
  • Lack of a secure update mechanism
  • Use of insecure or outdated components
  • Insufficient privacy protection
  • Unprotected data transfer and storage
  • Lack of device management
  • 脆弱的默认设置
  • Lack of physical hardening

With the exception of the very last security vulnerability, each of these issues can be effectively addressed through penetration testing — or pen testing . For example, brute force scanners can crack poor passwords. Service discovery tools can find unguarded devices on the network. Using things such as fuzzing attacks, application layer scans and attacks, and secure communication validation techniques, pen testing can test for and find cybersecurity vulnerabilities early in the drone development process.


On the other side of the spectrum, any company vulnerable to a cyberattack via drone can protect themselves using a good heterogenous mix of security solutions to secure their networks. Unfortunately, finding the right mix of solutions is no easy task, since they can be tough to verify and challenging to scale. Plus, interactions between the solutions can sometimes impact security performance and network resiliency.

Source: Shutterstock




