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The ongoing pandemic has strained the economy, public services and global healthcare systems. It has also tested us in every way imaginable with lockdowns and working from home.


But we must use IoT to go even further. Technology companies have a responsibility to implement knowledge to develop and install the hardware, devices and software that can keep employees healthy and the physical office safe once again.

Streamline Covid-19数据收集

In healthcare, IoT has helped lessen COVID-19's effects. IoT sensors allow COVID-19 patients to quarantine at home. Patients who穿连接的设备enable doctors to monitor their progress without risking others' safety.

IoT provides much-needed data for epidemiologists. Researchers use IoT to track variant progress through connected thermometers. Kinsa, an American company that sells connected smart thermometers, explains that its gathered data helps track COVID-19 rates in the U.S.

Vaccines distribution and supply tracking would be a near-impossible task without IoT. The different vaccines also have different storage needs, which requires resilient, reliable and proactive monitoring throughout the supply chain.



In 2022, there are at-home tests for COVID-19 at pharmacies and through mail order. But what if the tests could be even cheaper, faster, readily available -- and物联网连接so researchers could instantly understand transmission rates?


廉价设备的必要文件和电路设计在线公开可用。如果该或类似的设备是大量生产的,并且具有Internet连接 - 组织可以在员工进入工作场所之前立即对其进行测试。


与物联网,办公环境会改变。It would be increasingly contactless. Instead of physical door handles, touchpoints would instead require sensors to automatically open and close. Sensors would know when the conference rooms reach crowd capacity.


HVAC systems could link to IoT to ensure reduced germ spread. Even before the onset of COVID-19, workplace HVAC systems spewed concentrations of some pollutants in numbers that we often two to five times higher than typically experienced outdoors, according tothe EPA

With machine learning, these systems can reduce the ongoing sick building syndrome problem -- a widespread difficulty for office workers. Typically, employees come down with colds and illnesses that aren't easily explainable unless one considers the often-ignored air filtration system.

IoT helps build monitoring systems


Building owners then use a获得监督的单一平台他们提供给租户的环境。无需撕裂和替换旧技术,组织可以连接闭路电视,火警,照明和加热系统。

Remote and hybrid work also means companies track and maintain devices across the country and around the globe. With device lifecycle management, businesses can manage mobile phones, tablets and laptops from one location. A single self-serve platform gives companies complete visibility over their device landscape and IT teams can use the time to support strategic business initiatives.

办公室外面也有建筑用例。聪明的工厂 - 充满工业物联网传感器 - 可以使许多员工远程工作。传感器连接是通过用于特定位置的专门构建的移动专用网络(MPN)实现的。MPN不与他人共享连接,因此所有者可以获得容量和处理能力,尤其是与Edge Computing和5G结合使用时。

Dig Deeper on Internet of Things (IoT) Verticals
